Momzjoy Blog

Pregnancy Affirmations For A Healthy Baby

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase but also challenging and stressful for many! No matter how much we try, sometimes we feel uncertain and stressed. We all know that we must have happy positive thoughts to raise happy children.

It is a proven fact that daily affirmations reduce stress and anxiety and make us feel confident. It is about practise, daily practise!!

So here are some powerful affirmations to rewire the brain and simulate positive feelings thereby impacting our future generations:

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    4 Secrets For Pregnancy Skincare in Winters

    Hey Mama, enjoying the winter bump? Layering up and staying cosy feels great but we hear you. Unwanted dryness and skin issues also rise during winters.

    Dry skin makes you feel itchy and can increase stretch marks to some extent. And we all love smooth hydrated supple skin, don't we? Here are a few tips for pregnancy winter glow:

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